Tits Magee

This post is about my boobs. Just a heads up, I'm going to tell you EXACTLY how it is.

Wonderful Illustration Courtesy of my lovely friend Char @ Rudooles
-the greatest card company to be born this year, check them out!

The First Shop

Oh good lord I went to a nearly new sale for baby things. JEEEEESUS CHRIST.

Pregnito's Day Out

OH Prosecco how I missed thee.

Panic not readers, I am still with child and I had a rebellion but not to excess. I had a lovely single glass of prosecco at my cousin's child's Christening and what a treat it was. What a beautiful day full stop actually!

Halfway House

At halfway through my pregnancy I wanted to do a little post about where I live now.
I used to live in a two bedroom house, in Romsey (a middle class dream!) with my husband, our dog and our cat. Now I do not. But that's ok.

Itchy and Scratchy

This post is maybe a little more cheerful than the last, none the less, still a bit of a moan!

BUT! I've reviewed a couple of products that have really helped me sooth my skin and relieve some crazy itching.

 Before anyone gets any ideas, this isn't a spiel about an itchy fanny, the main areas for itch are under my now gigantic breasts (that is a blog post in itself, stay tuned for that gem!) and on my legs.


I have now made it to week 15 and haven’t been sick for nearly a fortnight. I have had a dark few weeks (months if I’m being honest) and felt horrible about everything around me. I have had some real Jekyll and Hyde moments and been vile to my poor husband, friends and family. Even Brambles got a bit neglected, but god bless her she tried. She even licked my face when I cried.